Thursday, December 10, 2009
Is Los Angeles The Toughest Town For Singles? Not If You Have Game!
The Huffington Post ran an article today by Dr. Alex Benzer titled Is Los Angeles The Toughest Town For Singles? The Average Joe would read the article, nod his head in agreement, and think "Yeah it is hard to date here, it's not just me!." An adherent of the Lifetime Game philosophy would quickly figure out ways to sidestep all of these so-called obstacles that the author lays out in the article. Problems are just opportunities for us to use our minds to come up with solutions. Now let me go through Benzer's article and see how the Lifetime Game philosophy views each of his points.
1. According to the Singles Map, the sex ratio in LA sucks.
Benzer makes a decent point when he cites the fact that the male to female ratio in Los Angeles is ridiculously wack. There are way too many dudes here, contrary to the whole stereotype that California is overflowing with women. He claims there is a surplus of 89,000 more single men than women, but so what? This just provides you incentive to make sure your game is tight at all times. You can sit back and whine, or just figure out ways for you to stick out from the competition. All the guys I know that have game in Los Angeles are doing alright, so maybe the fact that there's just a surplus of men without game is the greater issue at hand.
2. Large distances in the world’s biggest city create a real barrier to intimacy.
This is a problem? This is where I call bulls***. This so-called problem of the city being too sprawled out is all mental. Deal with the women in your immediate area and lock it down there before you venture out into other areas of the city. I see the sprawled out landscape as a plus, especially if you're the type that dates multiple women. Not that I advocate cheating or being a womanizer, but you're much less likely to run into your other women if they're spread out in South Los Angeles, Brentwood, Silverlake, etc. Also, the distance can keep you from getting too caught up with one girl and not exploring your options like you should before settling down in a relationship.
3. Lack of pedestrian culture reduces opportunities for casual contact.
Get out of the car and start walking. Just because everyone else is driving their car, doesn't mean you have to follow suit. Live in a pedestrian friendly neighborhood such as Echo Park, Silverlake, Hollywood, etc. and you'll run into women all day on the street. You can also utilize public transportation in the form of buses and trains, in addition to the option of riding your bike as well. There's mad folks in LA that eschew the car culture, but if you're stuck on the 405 all day and sitting in your apartment, then you'll never meet them. Ditching your car also helps the environment and can save you loot on gas that you can use to improve your game in other areas.
4. Transportation challenges make even the best-intentioned people flaky.
You don't want any lame women that flake on you because of traffic. If you're missing out on dates because of traffic, then you have more game problems than you're brave enough to admit.
5. The transience of the city’s entertainment culture adds an aura of impermanence and unreliability to social ties.
Don't date actresses or any other female on the hunt for a life of stardom. These people are usually narcissistic and neurotic anyway, so why waste your time? There are tons of fly women with regular gigs, or even entertainment gigs behind the scenes that are well adjusted and open to dating men with the sufficient amount of game.
6. Dating people in the entertainment industry is fraught with unique challenges.
See my response to #5.
7. Nightlife shuts down at 1am and you have to drive your own butt home afterwards.
Improve your day game so that you're not limited to the traditional night date. Complaining about the 2am closure time of bars is weak sauce and reeks of something someone who uses liquor as a crutch would bring up. Even if bars shut down at 10PM, those with game would still prevail. If the bar closes at 2am, make sure you know about the underground after hours spots, or just make sure you have some fly sounds and a chill atmosphere at your crib. Why do you want to be stuck in a bar or club all night anyway?
The world is yours....
Blair- Night Life
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Posted by
Cinque Malcolm Powell
5:13 PM

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Excellent. I couldn't agree with you more on all your comebacks.
AWESOME!!!! I'm feeling your comebacks. Keep it real and vibed.
It's all about the vibe....thanks for stopping through!
Dude, the original article had it right. You have no idea what you're talking about. I have game in NY and LA, as do many of my peers, but I have to say, the girls in LA, while their hair is better and their tits are bouncier, are one step away from being escorts. By that, I mean, they are meandering vapid robots who fuck artlessly, like porn stars. Actually, some of them are porn stars. I have a lot of Ed-Hardy wearing LA friends who clean up in LA, but the girls are always a mass of insecurities - maybe a gangbang nympho who looks like she's trying out for a Poison video (and yes, it is 2010).
NY women have serious problems too, but there's more variety of personalities, more casual encounters (happy hour, etc.). Overall, there is a better chance of hooking up with a real person who you might actually want to date.
Powell, you're so right! I read the original and thought is was absurd. Especially using closing time as an excuse and he didn't even get it right. Most bars and clubs don't do last call until 1:45. And that Jonathan is just a misogynist. Your response was spot on.
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