Friday, December 18, 2009

Bitch Is The New Black, and You're Wack

I came across this article profiling a young African-American female from DC this morning in the Washington Post.  She laments about how hard it is for a single Black woman to find a man. She's in the process of writing a book and has already secured a film deal.  I was weary of even wasting my time with the article, because her argument is played out and I've found that many of these women that are in the "I can't find a decent Black man" camp are very flawed and fail to grasp the reality of their situations and the true reason they're alone.  Granted, Black males in this country are locked up at disproportionate rates and have a whole set of issues we need to work on, but there are tons of eligible Black men out there.  They just don't want women like Helen Andrews, and the ones that might are not worthy in her eyes.  Let's break down why this Helen Andrews character is sitting up in her apartment, alone in her Snuggie, while others have found a way to snag the men she can't seem to attract.

1.  Your degrees and high status job don't make us want you

To be frank, men don't care about your degrees.  Granted we might prefer to have someone educated and well read, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're more attracted to you if you went to an Ivy League institution.  The women that think these degrees and jobs automatically make them a catch are delusional.  There's more to life than your status.  These women have spent all this time on educating themselves and moving up the corporate ladder that they forgot to cultivate a decent personality along the way. 

2.  If you're a bitch, don't expect legit men to waste their time with you

In the article she admits that she is mean, acts like a bitch, and her friend backs this up.  Why on Earth do you think a man wants to deal with you if you're a bitch?  That's the opposite of what we want.  That's so basic that it baffles me that she hasn't realized that is one of the main reasons she's alone.  The only man that wants a bitch is someone with low self esteem or has some other latent issues of their own.  Guys like women that are nice, social, subservient, domestically inclined, caring, giving, and sexually appealing.  She appears to be none of those.

3. There's nothing wrong with men without degrees or high powered jobs

I've run across so many women that have this list of requirements that men need to fulfill, but that list basically cuts off a large percentage of men.  So what if a guy doesn't have a degree or a high powered job?  That doesn't mean he won't make a decent mate, a loving father, and a provider for his family.  Women have bought into the American myth that college is a requirement for success.  I've met brilliant folks that don't have degrees or dropped out because school wasn't their bag.  She has a narrow view of what a good catch is.

4.  Negative energy attracts negative results

All throughout the article she talks about herself without asking if she is the reason for the problem.  She can't take it upon herself to realize that maybe she is the reason she's alone.  Just reading the article, I couldn't imagine even having a decent conversation with her.  She appears pessimistic, socially inept, and bitchy, along with displaying a conspicuous sense of entitlement. I wouldn't consider going out with her for a second.  The brothers in D.C. are making the right move by dodging her.

Fellas, please continue to avoid the Helen Andrews of the world.  She deserves to be alone until she steps her game up and lets go of all that unattractive bitterness emanating from her soul.  There are so many attractive women out there, that if you waste your time with ones like her then you're a sucker of the highest degree.

The world is yours.....

Guy - "Let's Chill"


Unknown said...

I tend to agree. If you set yourself up, you will be knocked down appropriately. Not to mention, there are already enough things Black Men have to worry about, we dont want a woman who adds greatly (read: at all) to those problems and considerations. All in all, yup. thats not a good look, and play "keep away" with that type...

Cinque Malcolm Powell said...

"there are already enough things Black Men have to worry about, we dont want a woman who adds greatly (read: at all) to those problems and considerations."


Elicious said...

Great response Cinque. It's nice to hear a black man's rebuttal to this mess. I'm so tired of this argument that I couldn't even finish the article. I will not give place to negativity, which is all this woman is about. Victim mentalities get you nowhere. Be accountable for your actions, stop being bitter, learn to develop feminine qualities that men find pleasing, and change your attitude. She is attracting EXACTLY what she exudes to the world. The only person who is to blame is herself.

This just in: Apparently the woman in the article, Helena, is the best friend of my associate's cousin. I'm totally having her forward your post to her!

Cinque Malcolm Powell said...

Thanks for forwarding. All these social media networks really show you how closely we're all linked. Many times 3-4 degrees of separation is all that is between you and someone famous or in the limelight.